Two earthquakes have occurred near Porirua, north of Wellington, this morning.
The first quake at 2:16 a.m. was felt in the Wellington region according to data posted by Geonet. It was magnitude 3.8, 40 km deep and was located 20 km north of Porirua. It was followed by a smaller magnitude 3.4 event 70 km deep nearby at 6:07 a.m.
They follow three other quakes in the area in the past week. A magnitude 3.3 event, 30 km deep occurred off the coast 20 km north-west of Wellington on April 17th. It was followed by a magnitude 2.9 quake at 10:13 on the 18th. A magnitude 4.0 earthquake, 15 km deep occurred in Cook Strait 60 km south-west of Wellington on April 21st.
[data from GNS Science and contributing agencies.]