Steady Rain Eases

The weather system which brought heavy rain to the West Coast, the Nelson region and the far north brought a short burst of steady rain to Tawa overnight.

21 mm of rain was recorded at Tawa overnight, with a steady 18 mm falling between midnight and 3 a.m. on Tuesday the 25th of November 2008. That brings us to 60 mm of rain for the month, 1114 mm for the year to date.

This is close to November 2006 when the monthly rainfall was 127 with 1177 mm for the year to the end of November.

Conditions were drier in 2005 and 2007. Only 43 mm of rain was recorded in Tawa during November 2007 bringing the eleven-month total to 692 mm, and 12 mm in November 2005 with the year-to-date figure being 667 mm.

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